Clearing space and getting organized is one of those top ten New Year’s resolutions that is often pushed aside by February. Why aren’t we successful at attaining this goal? Let’s admit cleaning the closet is really not that fun!
Step One: Think about what you’re holding on to.
Most often closets are filled with items that served us well in the past but may need to be re-evaluated with our current lifestyle. Clothes from another job, marriage or decade can’t be expected to serve us the same way they used to! You’re not the same person you were a year, three years or five years ago. Imagine a closet filled with just the clothes that suit you and your lifestyle right now.
Closets can be placeholders for clothes that no longer fit our bodies, our personalities or lifestyles. They can also become a dumping ground for random "stuff" that we think we have no other place for. Imagine opening your closet to only clothing and shoes, and everything in there fits you right now. Accept yourself as you are. Once you do that, it makes it easier to get rid of clothes that don’t fit and flatter your body.
Many people hang on to things out of a sense of duty or obligation. For example, someone gave you a gift and although the thought was really great it may not be suitable for you; or sister still insists on giving you her hand-me-downs even though your lifestyles are completely different. Maybe there are things you purchased yourself that were never right and you never wore them. It happens to everyone! But a new year is a great time to realize that it’s okay to be surrounded by things in your closet that you love and to let other things go. Imagine living in 2013 with a closet full of clothes you love.
Step Two: Once you have a clear vision it’s time to take action.
Now that you’re clear about what you need in your closet, it’s time to tackle the clutter that’s taking up physical and emotional space in your closet. Remember, your new criteria is to have clothes in your closet that you love, that fit and flatter you, that feel like they fit into your lifestyle, and that you could wear next week if you wanted to. Everything else is going to find a home somewhere else!!
Schedule yourself time. If you can’t take a Saturday or a weekend to de-clutter, give yourself a few mornings or evenings to complete this project over the course of a few short weeks. Tackle areas one-by-one, including:
- Coat closets
- Shoe storage areas
- Jewelry boxes, hooks, or drawers
- Your main closet in sections (pants, tops, jackets, dresses, etc.)
- Drawers of sweaters
- Drawers of exercise clothing
- Any additional closets
You can cut the workload by half if you concentrate on one season only. If you’re not going to wear something for four to six months, store those items out of sight or in an extra closet away from your main closet for the time being.
Remove retired items from your home as quickly as possible. Pack them in large trash bags or boxes and plan to donate your items as soon as you can. Some charity groups even provide pickup. If there are items you are unsure about make a pile and I can help you quickly go through it and decide what items should be kept and made into new outfits or discarded. You could be amazed at what I can salvage and make fresh and new plus save you a lot of money!
I went through my closet last week and now every time I open it I love everything that is staring back at me! Although this may not be your favorite activity it will be worth it. However, if all of this seems overwhelming support is just a phone call away. I’m here to help you clarify, sort, organize and arrange your closet so it can better serve you in 2013. Let’s make YOU and your space a priority!