Welcome to Such Savvy Style
I hope you are all enjoying your summer and vacations. It’s hard to imagine that summer will be coming to an end soon and school for many is already back in session. Believe it or not, early fall clothing is already starting to make it’s way into stores and I am already starting to book my fall shopping and outfit appointments. Be on the look-out as I will be sending out the list of fall trends in the next couple of weeks!
Does your husband or significant other need a makeover?

Lately many of you have hired me to help your husbands, boyfriends and significant others. Oftentimes I hear from women that they are just tired of their husband either looking schleppy and arguing about it with them, or that they just don’t know what to do to help them look better. Since I always am writing about women’s fashion and guidelines, I thought I would take the opportunity to write about some tips for men. For those of you who don’t have a man, you might soon and trust me from my dating experience they just might need your help!
What I hear most often is “my husband has some really nice clothes but he only puts them together the way the salesperson did it”. In other words, he has lots of ties, jackets and shirts but he doesn’t know how to mix them up. This is something that is very common among men and something that is very fixable. Here are the basic rules of mixing and matching prints and textures for men.
1. When mixing prints together it’s really important to make sure you always have one solid colored item in the ensemble to ground the outfit. For example, you can have a shirt with a stripe and a tie with a geometric print but then the jacket and or the pants need to be a solid color. Preferably with no texture.
2. Mixing prints works best when all the colors blend together. A light blue solid shirt would look a amazing with a light gray pinstripe suite if you tied it all together with a tie that had silver, light blue and one or two other colors.
Another thing I hear and see pretty frequently is that men tend to look schleppy in their clothing. Maybe you know this is a problem with your man, but you just don’t know how to fix the problem. This can be very frustrating. I recently went out with a man who looked this way and he informed me that he purchased his shirt at the hardware store…really? I had no idea the hardware store even sold clothing!
1. The quality of clothing is important. As easy as it is for women to look dumpy, it’s just as easy for men to look schleppy. Although you don’t need to shop out of your price range, shopping for items that are a little higher quality will make a difference in the way they look on the body.
2. Fit is one of the biggest culprits in men looking tacky in their clothing. Check out the following areas to see if maybe the fit is the reason the garment is not looking right. Are the sleeves too short or too long? Nothing looks worse than a jacket with sleeves that are an inch too long! Are the shoulders too big, does the the body of the shirt look too boxy and gappy? If this is the case, think about purchasing a shirt that is tailored or slim fitted. There should only be one break on a man’s pants and it should fall over the front of the shoe. If he is on the shorter side, I suggest staying away from pants with a cuff as they will make him appear shorter.
3. If he is not dressing for his age, or updating his look, he may look out of place. Make sure he is not hanging on to his youth and wearing outfits that make him look ridiculous. Oftentimes, men say to me “what’s wrong with these jeans? They are still in good condition and I don’t want to pay for something new when these look fine!” Maybe they are in decent shape but if they are outdated, or inappropriate for his age, then it’s time to make a new purchase.
If you are still stuck and need help making your significant other up his look and look as fabulous as you do, let’s set up an appointment to work in his closet.
What’s My Shape??
This Month’s Shape is the Oval
For the last few months I have been writing about different body shapes. This month I will talk about the oval. I will discuss the characterizations of that body shape, what looks amazing and what should be avoided. There are six body types–Hour Glass, Rectangle, Contoured Rectangle, Triangle, Inverted Triangle and the Oval.
If you are an oval you carry most of your weight in your mid section. Your stomach is the widest part of your body. Look at your body, is the widest part of your mid-section wider than your bust or your hips? Or, does your abdomen sit out past your bust line in front?
* The oval is the 4th from your left. |
The goal to dressing this body type is take the focus off the mid section and highlight your face and great legs. Ovals look amazing in draping fabrics that are not clingy through the mid-section. A soft boxier cut jacket that flows through the mid-section or has a slight flare over your torso will be your best jacket. Swing jackets and dresses that graze over your stomach area will draw attention away from that area. Keep straighter skirts to knee length and show off your legs. Layering a jacket and dressing in a column of solid color underneath will be an extremely flattering look for you.
One thing you want to avoid if your body shape is an oval is any top or blouse that creates a horizontal line across the middle of your torso. A horizontal line will be sure to create width in the exact spot you want to avoid creating width. Your tops should always cover your entire waist area and extend all the way to your hips. Two other big no no’s are tucking your tops into your pants and wearing pants with pleats. Although skinny jeans and leggings are the rage, this will not be your best look as it will extenuate your middle because your legs will look so thin. By drawing attention to your face, neckline, bust and legs you will take the attention away from your waistline.
If you still have questions about your body shape and what will look best on you call for a body style analysis or wardrobe evaluation appointment.
Is your teen or tween driving you crazy??
If you have a tween or teen girl, chances are you are ready to scream just at the thought of back to school shopping. What’s cool, verses what’s acceptable is always the question. Below are a list of stylish must haves for this fall.
1. Every young women needs fun accessories. Accessories can actually save you money because new accessories can make old outfits fresh, new and hot. Places such as H&M, and Forever 21 have great little finds for very inexpensive. Think scarves, bangles, belts, and long necklaces.
2. Every girl loves shoes. Whether your teens style is more of a princess or hipster there are plenty of options out there. Funky canvas converse, ballet flats, wedges, ankle booties or tall boots are all great options.
3. Once again the jegging is making a huge appearance. Although you may feel your daughter doesn’t look her best in the fitted look, they are the rage and they will want to wear them. With that said, just remember the rules. If they have a tummy or carry their weight in the thighs or hips suggest a looser longer top that covers up that area. They will also look slimmer if they wear more of a slim line shoe like a ballet flat opposed to a chunky tennis shoe or Ugg type boot.
4. The 80’s are back in full swing. You will see bright neon, and many off the shoulder looks. Think of the movie Foot Loose!
Even though some of these trends may give you the shakes, try thinking back to the things you used to wear. Yikes, that’s scary! Although shopping with your teen can be a challenge, remember it should be fun! If you need help, let me know. I offer a discounted rate for my teen back to school shopping.
Fall Make-up Trends
Well, if you are the type who likes to change your make-up look there are a few new trends for fall in the beauty industry. Bold beauty is back.
1. Matte lipstick – both deep and bright shades
2. Polished complexions
3. Sultry eyes
4. Beautiful styled brows with a stronger arch. Bye bye natural looking brows!
If you need help with these fall make-up trends call for a free makeover and lesson.
Learn how to LOVE yourself in your clothing with a FREE consultation!
If you have never had your free consultation with me you could be missing out. Let’s chat about where you are with your clothing now, where you want to be and how I can help you get there.
Here are just a few benefits my clients have experienced by working with me…
1. Save money – Only buy clothes that you love, look amazing on you and that you will wear.
2. Save Time – Know what’s in your closet and how it all works together.
3. Learn to dress your body in clothing that looks amazing even if you have challenging areas (trust me we all think we do!!)
If you have even thought about wanting to make a change in your image, let’s chat about how I might be able to help you.