Welcome to Such Savvy Style
Dear Carrie,
I really don’t think I am ready for fall but it’s here! I have been shopping with clients for fall since the second week of July. Although I love the idea of starting to get my jackets and boots out, I am not ready for flip flop weather and long days to end. Here in CA we have another month, maybe two, of nice warm weather. This summer has been a whirlwind. I became the President of AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) SF bay area chapter. I also won a very cool award that I feel honored to have won– AICI Raising Star Award. Add that in with shopping with clients at a very busy Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, a J Hilburn trip to Las Vegas for the annual convention and a vacation and you have the end of summer! If you are ready to shop for fall but have no idea what to buy I hope the below guide will help give you with some ideas of what’s out there. Of course as always, I am here to help if and when you are ready. My calendar is already starting to get filled for fall and I am so grateful to all of you who continue to support me and this business!
Fall 2103
All that Leather! |
- All Shades of green
- Winter White
- Cobalt Blue
- Gray
- Tangerine
- Red
Hot deep Pink
Black & White
Fashion Alert, Fashion Alert
Please remember that not all 2013 Fall fashion trends work for everyone. Make sure that the trends you purchase this season are flattering to your shape and that you are choosing your best colors. If you have questions about what fall trends will make you look fabulous this season please contact me.
Would you like some leather on your….

In my opinion the hottest trend of the fall season is the leather that you are seeing everywhere! Leather on pants, skirts, tops, jackets, scarves, pants and pretty much anywhere you can think to put leather trim. One reason I love this trend is because everyone can pull it off. You may not be able to wear leather leggings but anyone can find a sweater that is flattering with a little leather trim on it.
Leather also has varying price ranges, weights and colors which adds to its versatility. Price can range from a top of the line leather jacket to a very a reasonably priced item like a skirt with leather trim. Remember, when making a colored leather purchase think about finding a color that is flattering to you and that will match other items in your wardrobe. Also keep in mind where you live and the weight of the leather that will work best for your year round seasons. If you buy one thing this season I would recommend buying something that includes leather!
What about all this color???
One question I get all the time is “All this color is SO bright, how do I wear these colors that are so popular now?”
OK, yes, bright color is everywhere. I personally love it as I think it’s fun to mix color and I like to feel bright and “sunny”! But, with that said I know a lot of people feel differently. I always tell clients if you’re new to color just dab your toe in the water and see what happens. I am certainly not suggesting MY favorite summer outfit, yellow skinny jeans and a multi-colored striped top. However, I am suggesting that you open yourself a little and make that fun purchase of a colored pair of jeans, or colored wool winter coat. If that even feels too risky think about adding a colorful purse or pair of colored shoes to your wardrobe. Color is one of the things that takes outfits from ordinary to extraordinary!!
If you are already diving head first into embracing all the bright fun color in the stores think about taking things a step further and start mixing colors together. It’s currently really popular to wear multiple bright colors together. When I do this I feel more comfortable when I can repeat the colors so the color combinations don’t seem so harsh. For example, I would start with a purple and yellow print skirt. I then would add a purple top and throw on some fun yellow shoes. I would most likely add a necklace with yellow as well. As you can see I am playing with two strong colors but repeating both colors and adding a pattern.
LASHELL Cosmetics
Top Seller
As my cosmetic line continues to grow, over the last two years I have seen a few products emerge as some client favorites! One of these is a skin care product called Marine Moisturizer and I can barely keep it in stock it sells so well. The product contains the natural product Red Marine Algae (Sea Kelp) which is known to add moisture to the skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, increase skin firmness and reduce redness. The best little secret of the day is the manufacturer that makes this product for me also makes this product for another company that sells their products at Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus. They sell this exact same product for $285.00 and LaShell Cosmetics sells it for $28.00. Yikes!!! I use this product daily and I absolutely love it! If you are interested in trying this amazing product email me at:
carrie@suchsavvystyle.com I am currently working like crazy to open the LaShell Cosmetics online store and hope to have that complete by the next newsletter!